About Us

The owner and maintainer of this site is Marvin Daugherty. I live in a small town in the panhandle of Texas. I install video systems for churches, create websites, write software, and generally make a nuisance of myself. I have a wife, 2 kids, and a church which I love with absolute devotion.

It is my mission to promote Christianity into this new age using the gifts the Lord gave me. I understand that many churches are frozen in time and have no idea how to attract young people. My experience is that to attract young people, you have to give them some of what they are attracted to in combination with the spirtual help they need. One of their main attractions is technology.

I do not claim to have all the answers concerning Internet technology. That is the reason for the creation of this web site. For example, right now I am looking for a cheap video switch that won't tear the image. Someone out there knows. And, I bet I know some things they don't. Community is what it is all about.

Incidentally, the name of this site comes from 'Kirk' which means 'church' and 'eo', the last to letters of 'video'.